Fiona MacCarthy
A snapshot of myself.
Born in Waterford City, in the South East of Ireland about five decades ago, I have been lucky to travel since 1983 for work and pleasure in much of Southern Africa including South Africa, Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia as well as Zaire (since Democratic Republic of the Congo sans la Democratique) & Nigeria, before settling here in the North East of England, in Newcastle upon Tyne in 2002.
The main reasons for choosing this part of the world (and well justified by experience) were the amenities of this city, its proximity to the sea and the friendliness of the folk. More details on my travels before arriving here are to be found on my Home page.
As a Chartered Accountant from Ireland I have since 2003 worked here in the UK providing interim financial management services through my own company called "Mastercraft Enterprises Ltd". Professional details now on Linked In
I treasure the quality of friendships made in the recent and also less recent past, and more importantly which I continue to develop and enjoy. Friendship to me reflects shared values, an open and tolerant disposition, loyalty and the ability to laugh. It must work both ways. I value my independence and periods of solitude but always have time for a friend wanting to chat.
My interests are diverse.
Around about 2012 I started to help with the bookkeeping work of a small national charity called TransMediaWatch which campaigns to improve the reporting on Transgender and Intersex issues in the UK media. I became Treasurer in May 2013.
I read widely and enjoy a mix of fact (History, Global development & finance, Art and fiction (eg Faulks, Proulx, Ishiguro, Pamuk, various dead Greek too)).
Politically I am best described as economically conservative (I spend my own money best) and socially liberal. (do with your own life as you will but do not be unkind to others). It is important to care for those less fortunate than ourselves and it is somthing I try to do via my voluntary work and donations to organisations I care about in partticular.
Exercise mainly involves twice weekly yoga sessions plus walking by the coast.
My Celtic blood predisposes me towards the pub scene although I happily spend less time there than I used to as other activities fill more of my recreational time. Nowadays I find that live music is the main draw for several local pubs or for a chat and catch up with friends. Cinema, theatre and comedy club outings also help me to relax.
Social networking is via Linked In for Business, Bluesky "" for spur of the moment thought and Instagram for my nail art and holiday pics "fionathecelt"